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There was such a level of disorientation and dissonance in everyone

Our households time during the pandemic was I guess like as apocalyptic as it was for many households, but we did notice at 65 years old now, I was encountering peers who were making big 180 degree turns in their lives, partially as a result of the pandemic. And it seemed as though There were marriages that were fraying and we had a number of runaway wives come visiting our house as they went driving around the country for months trying to figure their lives out.

There was such a level of disorientation and dissonance in everyone. And so it did create an environment with 180 degree turns in your life. If you had been waiting, then you knew this was the time you had to do something. Yeah, there was some desperation involved, but I think by and large, people came out better and these marriages improved when the women returned.

But so there’s some silver lining in all this, but yeah, those were some dark days. And a real shocker for people around the world and how weak our healthcare system is, was exposed in a big way. Hopefully we will do better next time during the next pandemic.