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 Online school was crazy

The pandemic for me was a very interesting time. It started around the end of my first year of high school. And I was happy about it at first a little bit because, no school. But at the same time, I was a little bit disappointed because the last days of school were typically the funnest.

And I wouldn’t be able to go through that, but it wasn’t the worst thing. And I also thought like everyone else, I thought that it’d only be for like a few weeks. I had no idea that it would last so long. And summer came and then pretty much my entire second year of high school was spent in quarantine.

Which, and it was a pretty wild time. Online school was crazy. The way I got to see it evolve before my eyes, if that makes sense. At first it was, like, very free you could do whatever you wanted, basically. Everyone had their cameras off. There were, like, one or two students that actually would engage in the class.

Everyone just goes joined the class and then goes to sleep and then stuff like that. But then I just saw that slowly the rules and stuff became tighter. You had to keep your camera on, you had to blah blah blah, and, I felt bad for the teachers at the time a little bit, especially the older ones, because they didn’t really know how to do stuff, but, yeah, anyways, it was an interesting time, it wasn’t the worst time for me, I know a lot of people had it really bad, but I didn’t think it was all that bad obviously there was things that I didn’t like, but, It wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

And I definitely do feel like my friend group got a lot, my circle got a lot smaller without all the socializing and stuff like that. And I hated wearing masks at first, but eventually I got used to it and yeah, I didn’t have it as bad as many other people. It wasn’t like the worst thing in the world to me.