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I’m pretty pro vaccine

And what do you think about the vaccine? Um, I was a minor so my mom kind of forced me to get the vaccine and I mean I was all for it. I was super, super pro vaccine.  Um, I got really, really, really sick from it and I was like maybe I should have done that. But like I said, I’ve never gotten COVID to this day so I’m pretty pro vaccine. Um, I have the two Pfizer ones and then I got the booster shot. And honestly, I’ve been thinking about getting another booster shot but I have yet to get COVID. I don’t even get sick anymore to be honest so now I’m like I don’t want to mess with it. Everything’s already good and the shot, let’s be honest, kind of sucked so I don’t want to get another one. But I mean I’m all for it and I do think people should at least get the two minimum shots. If not, you don’t have to get the boosters but yeah.