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I was kind of a little bit on the fence

Well, I think when the vaccine, I was kind of a little bit on the fence.  Um, should we take it? Should we not take it?

Um, obviously,  everyone’s saying take it and it’ll prevent it, but do you really know if it’s going to? Uh, what are they going to be? The side effects down the road?

And eventually, I mean, I took the first one. As soon as I was able to get one, I took it. Um, I’ve taken every single vaccine since then. I haven’t missed one. I mean, the last one I took was just this September. So, I’ve taken all the vaccines. The household has taken all the vaccines. To this day, I still don’t have COVID. I have not gotten COVID. So,  hopefully, whether it’s a vaccine or maybe it’s just I haven’t been in contact with the people.  I mean, I was, I tried to be as cautious as possible, especially, have things kind of become a little bit more lax. Yes. I mean, we’re not as like, shoot, like, I can’t touch that. I need to put hand sanitizer. I need to do that. It’s not to that degree anymore, but definitely, I’ve taken the vaccines. And I think, I mean, I don’t know because I’m not an expert. Am I going to have some side effects down the road? I don’t know. To this day, I’ve not received it. I haven’t gotten anything that I know of. So, I mean, I’m still forward. And like I said, I’ve taken all the vaccines. I’ll take them, I guess, as long as they’re available.
