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I was in high school

Cool.  In COVID I was in high school so it was a hard time to be in high school when you’re supposed to be most social and then have to do it almost alone or do everything like through technology but I do think it made dealing with a world that’s currently like so much about technology a bit easier because at such a young age everything had to be through technology.  Emotionally I would say it was not as hard as other people had it so I had to be like somewhat grateful for the fact that I didn’t have COVID and no one in my family had passed away or anything like that. The hardest part was most likely just being away from everyone and having to be unsocial which if you know me I’m a very social person and I love talking and I love meeting people so that was probably the hardest part for me.  I do remember like the parts where my family was scared to like let me because I had a boyfriend at the time so my family would be scared to let me go out with my boyfriend or just do simple things that I felt like I should have been able to do as a 17 year old or however old I was. What else? Pause there and restart.