My experience from COVID was reading about it as it was making its way through other countries, particularly Australia. And so I kind of started to prepare for it a little bit sooner than most, I feel like I naturally have a good stock of paper goods and cleaning supplies as such.
As spring break was approaching though, I did buy extra groceries cuz I had a feeling that things just weren’t gonna be normal and of course I was right. We all got shut down that spring.And it was a little fearful at first, but it actually turned out to be a really wonderful time for the family.
My schedule at work had always been long. I worked a lot of early days, a lot of long nights. And I actually got to spend time with my children. My daughter learned to drive cuz there’s nobody out on the streets. And so I used that chance to teach her how to drive. She was 14 at the time. And it was great bonding time. We cleaned the house, we purged, we painted.When they did return to school virtually, we came up with a really nice routine in the home.
When I was finally allowed back to work, limited time, working in athletics, I would go in for a few hours at a time, working in sports medicine.And it was just really wonderful to kinda see us together.
My son was an essential worker as he was working in a pizza place.And he had a crazy amount of hours and responsibility. And I thought it was funny that here’s this 18 year old college student working in a pizza place and he is working overtime.And I’m a salaried healthcare professional and I’m sitting at home, working an hour to maybe three a day.
But overall, it wasn’t as bad as the experience of many others.