We would get it, but none of us did
He was diabetic
Colorado Wine Heroes
https://player.vimeo.com/video/70879923 Not all heroes fear grapes. As part of our broader work with Colorado Wine, we honed in on the individual evangelists who championed the industry against all odds. Our Wine Hero videos—featuring Dale Katechis, Frank Bonanno, and Governor John Hickenlooper—celebrated these unexpected allies, while our long-form documentary brought winemakers and growers into the spotlight, […]
Colorado Winefest
https://player.vimeo.com/video/65190082 May your glass always be half full, never half empty Godot engaged with two organizations simultaneously in advocacy of Colorado Wine. The Colorado Wine Industry Development Board (CWIDB) is the government group advocating for growers and winemakers under the Department of Agriculture. The Colorado Association of Viticulture and Enology (CAVE) is the state’s largest, […]
Seeking collaborative, intersectional partners From Unwoven’s mission :: “We stand against oppression in all forms, recognizing that power over dynamics are at the root of the vast majority of social and environmental crises we face. Through strategic partnerships, Unwoven Collective leverages research, impact investments, and grants to build community and create a more inclusive, equitable, […]
Worldwide Ukrainian Play Readings
It’s impossible to always know when something will resonate. You never know when a small piece of design will have a tremendous impact. We all know the story about the Nike logo costing just $20, created by a neighbor’s kid. If you think that’s remarkable, imagine how that kid feels! We created a simple logo […]
Tulalip Tribes
https://vimeo.com/1003836992/9a27b81b51?share=copy Capture the Daylight “Social and emotional disconnection between Tribal members and peers, families and communities can lead to substance abuse and can exacerbate mental health challenges. This campaign should stand on Tribal values to promote reconnection and ways to create a healthier and more prosperous future for generations to come. We will create an […]
Protecting the herd is natural A lot of technology companies fall into the trap of leading with their technical qualifications – in everything from logo, to sales materials, to online posts. However, when selling to a business savvy consumer, often at the C-level of Fortune 500 firms, “geek-speak” isn’t going to get the job done. […]
Save the Straight People
This may not be our finest hour … … but it’s worth clicking. In fact, it was so worth clicking that we ended up with a cost-per-click of $0.11, making very good use of the CDC’s money to reach the LGBTQ+ audience. It was wildly effective. It was also banned from most major internet advertising […]
Out Boulder County Pride
Pride is not a sin. The first Pridefest was held in 1970 in New York City, sparking a movement that has since spread across the country and the world. Pride celebrations have become a vital part of LGBTQ+ visibility and empowerment, and while these gatherings are almost always filled with joy and resilience, they took […]