Teaching a most demanding audience

Over 17 years, we’ve developed training in ways that bring creative, thoughtful approaches to an underserved field. For New York City’s 75,000 teachers—comparable to the population of Scranton, PA—we created an engaging framework on classroom assessment. Our interactive, asynchronous modules were structured around Charlotte Danielson’s “Framework for Teaching” and influenced by Paulo Freire’s approach to equity, modeling effective pedagogy while offering practical, field-ready strategies. To ensure relevance and immediacy, each module concluded with customized, downloadable PDFs, allowing teachers to generate personalized notes and actionable plans.

In a second series of modules, we shifted our focus to leadership and executive function for teachers, maintaining the same level of interactivity and engagement. This approach aimed to equip educators with practical leadership strategies and enhance their decision-making skills, reinforcing our commitment to impactful, user-centered training.