All right, so yeah, so yeah, your experience.
Okay, so I guess when everything started coming out with COVID, obviously I have a job, I was working, I was ready to take vacation when I had a week planned for spring break for my daughter, and so I had already scheduled my spring break, but prior to spring break, since I work in supply chain, one of our suppliers is in China. And so of course we were like, okay, we need to start prepping, we need to start doing, we need to make sure we can get product out of there, we were just on top of it. So instead of spending a week of vacation, I was busy working, I mean, morning to midnight, just trying to see what we can do, what materials we had in transit, what we needed to bring in, what we needed to fly, if we could move product, and so on. So I think it just became a big issue, at least for me personally, with work, with a supply chain, trying to get shipments out of there, not only from China, from Asia, or from Germany, from you name it, all different places, and of course for us it was a big struggle because we couldn’t get containers, because they were being stuck in one location or another, and then as time progressed, of course they flipped around, so there was maybe no containers in Asia, and then all the containers were in the US, and then they had a way to go back, so it became a big struggle with containers because there was a big old block of shipments going out, because China essentially was on lockdown, so nothing was going out, you know, but for me, I was working from home one day a week to begin with, so it wasn’t too bad for me. Once COVID started, it’s like, okay, well we’ll stay home, we’ll work, as long as I have internet connection, I can work from anywhere, so it was good for me, and so time progressed, okay, stay home literally, stay home two weeks, three weeks, the same thing with the kids. We thought, okay, they’re gonna stay home for two weeks, they’ll go back to school, and that just prolonged, prolonged, prolonged to the point where they never went back for that school year, and the whole following year from home. So for me, I was able to work from home, even, I want to say, I didn’t really go back until this year, more full time, and even at that, I mean just because I had that luxury with work, obviously my son came home from college, because they sent him home, my daughter was here in high school, so no issues. So for me, personally, it was not a bad issue. I had my kids here, I didn’t have them out at college, so I worked here, kids were here, the only hard part was, I guess, not being able to go out, because the fear that it’s like, okay, well what is this COVID? Everyone was like really panicking, and I know that they had those dashboards with all the different cases that were hitting the city. At first, it was like nothing here in our hometown, and so as time progressed, okay, we got the first case, and they started just going up and up and up and up, and so we started panicking. It’s like, well how bad is this virus? What exactly does it mean? Do you, can you go out? Can you not? Now, of course, my husband never stayed home. He worked throughout that whole time period. So anytime we needed something from the store or anything, he was the one that was going and getting things, and we just stayed home. But I think it just, I think personally brought us closer together as a family. Here in the summer, we spent a lot of time in the swimming pool, so we got to bond more together. Now, the bad part is, of course, in that time, not being able to go really see my parents. So I mean…