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 It provided a silver lining in the dark cloud

What I observed in the early days of the pandemic was uncertainty and fear of the unknown. But what I did experience was an outpouring of support for those who are struggling financially in this space by volunteering at food banks and providing meals for people who are struggling.

Getting vaccinated impacted the lives of my family in a way that it’s hard for me to put into words. It provided a silver lining in the dark cloud of the pandemic that there was a way through. I want to applaud those brave souls who volunteered and were the first to be vaccinated with emergency authorized vaccines.

So that we could all partake in the vaccine. And what gives me hope post pandemic is that a greater trust in the science of fighting disease will come about and that We will learn from this experience and be more caring and concerning for others. Being if it is put on a mask, if it is to get vaccinated.

That we would be willing to do that.