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But for me, it really worked out

So as far as the pandemic goes, I wasn’t really paying attention or taking it seriously until I was at Costco with one of my buddies and he was buying flats of rice and he doesn’t really cook. So I was very concerned. And then when we got back into town he gave me a walkie talkie. And then I was starting to think that things would be the fallout video game.

Yeah, I was pretty scared at first, but eventually being scared turned into boredom and I decided to sign up for an online dating site. And after what seemed like not that long of trolling guys on the internet I met someone who ended up being my husband in the end. I am grateful for the pandemic, although I am sorry for all the people that lost their lives and who have family who lost their lives or whose lives changed because of it.

But for me, it really worked out. No complaints here.