Images are generated by Midjourney AI with stylistic guidance based on the story as a prompt.

I think I’m different, having gone through that

During the quarantine, I worked for Halliburton and Liberty Oilfield Services as a truck driver. During that time as a single man, no children, divorced, I spent a lot of time by myself. And working definitely helped to cull that over and to mask. That for me, but it was a pit in itself. It’s been a lot of time by myself. I have nobody to come home to.

I have nobody to be responsible for, but myself and my job.

I’m a bluegrass musician. I play the banjo and one of the only shining lights of that time in my life was the opportunity to play. More music. And I’m very grateful for that.

But it got dark. In its own right. Watching friends and family dropping like flies. Not knowing if I’m next on that chopping block.

And all I had to look forward to was maybe singing at the sunrise. I’m very grateful that I’m here today. You can get to talk about this in its own dark, macabre way. But,

not a lot of productivity during that time, aside from just the grind of my day to day. My job was deemed mandatory, so I continued to work, and that in itself is also a blessing. But

I think I’m different, having gone through that. As I imagine everybody is, in their own right.

I think in its own twisted way it brought a lot of us together. So there’s always a silver lining, there’s something to be said for that.

It’s a scar that I’m gonna wear for the rest of my life.

And I know I’m not alone in that.