Images are generated by Midjourney AI with stylistic guidance based on the story as a prompt.

Cabin fever

So here is my experience with COVID, mine and my husband’s. What I remember most, the first thing was that we were both terrified, primarily because I’m high risk.

And the next thing that happened was that he got deemed an essential worker, and that was for both jobs. So he was busy trying to keep up with shipping demands and things of that sort. And in spite of all that, took over all the grocery shopping and errands so that I could stay home and out of the stores and safe.

Right after that, the lockdown,  that gave me a little bit of cabin fever, so I started going out on drives, even though I wasn’t supposed to. And saw a lot of empty roads,  empty parking lots that were never empty. Took some pictures.

And about, I don’t know, 10 days or so into it, my stepdad noticed that the pollution had cleared enough that you could see Pike’s Peak, which is a little unusual. So I went out and took pictures.

And I never got to give them to him because he passed away three days later, not of COVID, we don’t think.

And so that set off a whole new adventure in trying to sell a house during COVID and moving into a house that was already full back here in Lafayette.

It was a challenge. I was dealing with a lot of grief and fear still over COVID.

But, you know, we made it through it. And I think that this whole experience has helped us all see things differently. At least I hope it has. It has for me.  And that’s my story.