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Giving up drinking

When COVID hit, I was working for a company helping kids with disabilities. We started struggling so much with cash flow that we ended up selling the company a few months later just to make sure that our customers would continue to get services. So that was actually a huge relief at first, but I’ve always had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol.

So with no job and no responsibilities, I started drinking more and more. So soon enough I found myself wandering around the mountains most days with a box, yeah a box of wine in my backpack. And at the same time my girlfriend was working in nursing and things were really tough for her. It didn’t help at all when she came home and there was a happy drunk on the couch after a long shift.

Then the dog started liking me more than her because I was with her 24 7. So long story short, I eventually hit my bottom with alcohol after 27 years and parted ways with it forever. That was the greatest decision in my life. Sometimes you have to burn the old forest down to allow for new growth.